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2012Year of Maironis - First Day Cover

First Day Cover
GBP £1.56
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Technical details
  • 25.02.2012
  • V. Bručienė
  • -
  • Österreichische Staatsdruckerei GmbH
  • Offset
  • -
  • 34.5 x 30mm
  • 3,35Lt
About Year of Maironis

Jonas Mačiulis-Maironis – priest, poet, the author of dramas, Professor of the Saint Petersburg Roman Catholic Theological Academy, Rector of the Kaunas Seminary, Honorary Professor of the Vilnius University. In 1928, he was awarded the 2nd Class Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas, and in 1931 he received the title of Prothonotary granted by the Pope. His interest in literature arose during the gymnasium years, the period when the first lines, which had not survived, were composed. The first poem Lietuvos vargas or Sorrow of Lithuania was printed in the newspaper Aušra in 1885. A year later, under the pen name “Stanislovas Zanavykas”, he wrote the first chronological history of Lithuania in the Lithuanian language Apsakymai apie Lietuvos praeigą or Stories about the Lithuanian Past. In 1891, the poet’s pseudonym “Maironis” appeared in the press. The poet had written and published many poems the best known collection of which was Pavasario balsai or The Voices of Spring. The collection was constantly supplemented by new poems. Maironis was always interested in the genre of drama. On the grounds of his historical dramas, the State Theatre of Kaunas staged performances.