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2017Evocation of Portuguese Participation in World War I - Set

GBP £1.68
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GBP £1.68
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GBP £2.78
Technical details
  • 30.06.2017
  • Folk Design
  • -
  • Cartor
  • Offset
  • -
  • 80 x 30,6 mm
  • €0,50, €0,63, €0,85
About Evocation of Portuguese Participation in World War I

World War I found Portugal in the process of changing from its centuries-old political system – Monarchy – to a Republic.
This transition was not peaceful, despite popular acceptance of the new system. The partisan violence that broke out exceeded all expectations, leading the country into a situation that modern historians describe as “intermittent civil war,” even creating divisions at the heart of the Armed Forces, which themselves became politicised.

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