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2013Europa - Postal Vehicles (Moped) - Set

GBP £1.32
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GBP £1.32
GBP £1.32
Miniature Sheet
GBP £5.26
GBP £10.53
First Day Cover
GBP £3.29
Technical details
  • 05.04.2013
  • Manlio Napoli
  • -
  • Zrinski d.d. Čakovec
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  • 35.50 x 24.14 mm
  • 3.00 BAM
About Europa - Postal Vehicles (Moped)

Croatian post Mostar traditionally issues EUROPA stamps, special stamps which are issued under the patronage of PostEurop. These stamps have a unique central theme and are protected with EUROPA logo. They have been issued since 1956, when 6 countries issued total 13 stamps with the common design. The idea of common design was replaced by the idea of common theme in 1984, which was also the CEPT’s (European Conference of the administrations of Posts and Telecommunications) 25th Anniversary. This year’s common theme of EUROPA 2013 is postal vehicles.
The first forms of organized postal service appeared in Egypt around 2000. B.C. Messenger service was performed by messengers – pedestrians and messengers on horses and camels. The largest and best organized messenger organization of the Antiquity, Roman "Cursus Publicus“ was consisted of roads, transportation means and stations. Transportation means were precisely classified that each type of carriage had its character and purpose, and own tow, and were dragged by horses, mules, oxen and even camels.

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