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2004Faithful Voivode Stephen the Great and Saint - First Day Cover

First Day Cover
GBP £2.25
Official Price Guaranteed
(item in basket)
Technical details
  • 16.06.2004
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  • Tiefdruck
  • 6
  • 42 x 54 mm
  • ROL 10,000 x 3; 16,000 x 3
About Faithful Voivode Stephen the Great and Saint

Stephen the Great and Saint was the ruler of Moldavia between 1457 and 1504. He carried many wars defending his country and the whole Christendom. For his actions he was named “Christ’s athlete”. Faithful Voivode Stephen build over 40 churches and monasteries, helped and rose many monasteries on the Holy Mountain Athos and in various countries, being the greatest ruler in Moldavia who build so many holy places. Among his best achievements in monasteries, he build Putna (1470), Voronet (1488), Rasboieni (1496), Neamt (1497), Dobrovat (1504).

Using both diplomatic and war weapons, Stephen the Great Established Moldavia in the political and spiritual history of Europe in the 15th century.

Stephen the Great and Saint had one of the longest reigns in the history of the Middle Ages, 47 years, a time during which he took many wars. Sheltered by Stephen’s battles and victories, Europe took the time to build cathedrals, universities and develop both material and spiritual values.

Faithful Voivode Stephen was loved by the people and respected by strangers. Long after his death, friends and enemies kept praising his attitude. His fame was so great that his name was assimilated in ballads, legends and folklore songs transmitted by generations.

He past away on July 2nd 1504 and was buried at Putna Monastery. Soon after his death, chronicler Grigore Ureche mentioned that, for all his actions, the people named him “the Great and Saint”. For all his ardor towards Christianity and for the devotion to the holy places, Voivode Stephen the Great was canonized by the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church in 1992, with July 2nd being his Prayer Day.

This year, when 500 years past since the death of Faithful Voivode Stephen the Great and Saint, Romfilatelia is paying its respects to the great voivode by releasing a philatelic issue composed of two blocks.