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2004The National Philatelic Museum - First Day Cover

First Day Cover
GBP £0.33
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Technical details
  • 21.05.2004
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  • Tiefdruck
  • 4
  • 42 x 27 mm
  • ROL 4,000
About The National Philatelic Museum

“Stamps are miniature documents of human history. They mirror the past, show the present and presage the future. In short, postage stamp creations portray a vivid picture of the world, the people and their multifarious endeavors.”

“The National Philatelic Museum” was created with the purpose of becoming a center of learning and activity that enables those of all ages, united by the same hobby, philately.

For over a century, the General Direction of Post and Telegraph had multiple attempts to create such a museum, but only in the inter-war period was the postal museum created in one of the rooms of the Postal Palace (now, the Museum of National History of Romania). The existence of this museum was brief. 2004 is the year of rebirth for the institution, which, through the will, persistence, benevolence and effort of those close the philately and post, managed to become a reality.

The National Philatelic Museum is a cultural institution with a mission to promote knowledge and understanding of the world through the study of stamps, letters and other means of people’s communication through the mail. The Museum is hosted by the building of the National Museum of Romanian History.

A permanent concern of this institution is the acquisition of different philatelic items for the completion and enrichment of the collection. The National Philatelic Museum encourages a visit of numerous philatelic pearls, some of which are unique in the world. Exhibited here are the stencil that gave birth to the famous Aurach’s Head or the essays and stamp samples that gave the colour and interest of any collections. The Museum invites you to visit the stamp and postal history.

Romfilatelia S.A. marks this event by releasing a postage stamp that represents the building where the museum is located. The postal card after which this image was reproduced is part of Mr. Leonard Pascanu’s collections.