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2016Launch of the Banco CTT - Souvenir Sheet

Souvenir Sheet
GBP £1.71
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Souvenir Sheet
GBP £1.71
Special Folder
GBP £2.70
Technical details
  • 21.09.2016
  • Vasco Martins
  • -
  • Cartor
  • Offset
  • -
  • 95 x 125 mm
  • €2.00
About Launch of the Banco CTT

The origins of the CTT logo go back a long way – to 1520, in fact, when Portugal had a monarchy and journeys were made on foot, on horseback or by carriage. The mail service, which was initially dictated by the needs of its users – the crown, the nobility and merchants – had limited scope, as couriers had to be prepared to face all sorts of eventualities, especially bad weather and the poor quality of the roads, and within the country they had to transport letters on foot or on horseback. The image of the rider on his horse, blowing his trumpet to announce the arrival of the post, stems from this time. This symbol has been ubiquitous throughout Portugal for several centuries, thus maintaining a strong connection with the CTT’s historical legacy. The graphic depiction of the messenger and his horse have been given a certain dynamism over time; today they appear to the galloping at speed, bound for the future.

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