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2016Say no to hate speech! - Set

GBP £0.35
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GBP £2.10
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Technical details
  • 21.09.2016
  • Sabina Rešić, paintress and designer from Zagreb
  • Sara Salajpal, 4th c class pupil of the Elementary School Antun Nemčić Gostovinski from Koprivnica
  • ZRINSKI d.d., Čakovec
  • Multicolor Offset Printing
  • -
  • 35.50 x 42.60 mm
  • 3.10 HRK
About Say no to hate speech!

Hate speech is any expression on Internet or “live” which encourages and promotes attitudes against a person or a group of people on the basis of their race, religion, nationality or because they are foreigners or immigrants …. All people regardless of their origin, country which they come from or in which they live, their religion, nationality or race are equal and have equal rights and thus is any disregard and disrespect of the fact as well as any abuse relying on this basis hate speech!

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