2016Heroes Honor- Szigetvár, 1566- Hungarian- Turkish Joint Issue - Miniature Sheet
2016 Heroes Honor- Szigetvár, 1566- Hungarian- Turkish Joint Issue - Miniature Sheet for only GBP £1.29

- 05.09.2016
- Attila Elekes
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- State Printing Company Plc.
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- 30 x 36,667mm
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Hungary and Turkey issue joint bélyegkibocsátással Szigetvár commemorate the 450th anniversary of the siege.Attila Elekes block containing the work of two stamps printed by the State Printing Company issued 50,000 copies.The publication can be purchased from 5 September to stocks depending on the first day of post offices and Filapostán, and the Hungarian Post online store can be ordered from. The block Szigetvár backdrop to a contemporary representation of bélyegcímleteken and Miklós Zrínyi and Suleiman I the statues of the first-day envelope Metin Yurdanur sculptor, Szigetvár Hungarian-Turkish Friendship Park is located seen. The Turkish and Hungarian folk interlocking and sometimes turbulent history over the past few centuries in many a turning point event we can look back on that now commemorates the respect of both parties. József Attila quote: "The battle which our ancestors fought, / békévé resolve of remembrance." Suleiman I of the Ottoman Empire, one of the greatest conqueror, was the last sultan fighter. Thirteen campaign participated and symbolic is considered to be the first one and the last one is led against Hungary. However, not only as a conqueror but as a statesman created significant.renewed during the reign of the Empire State Administration, developed a system of state land conquests regular basis material, incorporated into the Ottoman religious and secular law in the largest cities have been built and developed in the classical Ottoman architectural style. It created all that we call classical Ottoman civilization for posterity - which is why Europe was a "great" (Magnificent, Magnifique, Prachtig), in his own country and (later) the "Legislator" (Kanuni) adjective. Subic Zrinski Nicholas from the Croatian clan role in defense against the Turks initially undertaken in the Croatian areas - grandfather, uncle and brother also died in the fight against the Turks. King Ferdinand in 1542 was appointed Croatia-Slavonia mind, and in 1546 - battles against the Turks carried out their actions - received the estate as a whole Muraköz, with Csáktornya castle. Szigetvar castle became the chief of police since 1561. He laid the foundation of the Zrinski family size and influence, she wore for the first time in Ban dignity, and he received assets underlying the Hungarian influence as well. The siege of Szigetvár a lesson can be said to own principles and values eminent ruler of a great empire and one in Central Europe was more important than life hero as well. Sources: Chronicle of the Hungarians, Budapest 1995; Nicholas Zrinski - The hero of Szigetvár (Annex pm Past history magazine in 2016; www.rubicon.hu (Tarjan M. Thomas: August 6, 1566 - Suleiman takes besieged Expected Island)
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