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2016450th Anniv. of the Siege of Szigetvár- Hungarian-Croatian Joint Issue - Miniature Sheet

Miniature Sheet
GBP £1.29
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Miniature Sheet
GBP £1.29
First Day Cover
GBP £1.88
Technical details
  • 05.09.2016
  • Attila Elekes
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  • State Printing Company Plc.
  • -
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  • 30 x 36.667mm
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About 450th Anniv. of the Siege of Szigetvár- Hungarian-Croatian Joint Issue

Hungary and Croatia of a joint bélyegkibocsátással Szigetvár commemorate the 450th anniversary of the siege. Attila Elekes block containing the work of two stamps printed by the State Printing Company issued 50,000 copies. The publication can be purchased from 5 September to stocks depending on the first day of post offices and Filapostán, and the Hungarian Post online store can be ordered from. The block Szigetvár backdrop to a contemporary representation of the painting of stamps Bertalan Székely Zrinski outburst was a portion or crest Szigetvár city. The first-day envelope can also be viewed in that Bertalan Székely detailed painting. Sultan Suleiman I in Hungary the seventh expedition of preparing dated 1 May 1566 from Istanbul. The army of more than one hundred thousand people in South West Hungary keys, Modern, contemporary period, separate islands lying Szigetvár revenue retired.Led by Nicholas Zrinski castle Pannon Headquarters of about 2,300 people - Croatian and Hungarian border fortress soldiers recruited from the - army defended. A commander from the Croatian Subic genus between 1542 and 1557 tried to arrest Croatian bánként breaking the country against invaders and their possessions. The siege started on August 6, 1566. Sultan's army needed 13 days to occupy the new and the old town and the fortress surrounding the lake drainage. The defense had already dwindled to 800 people inside the castle retreated. Suleiman's threats and promises by repeatedly tried to force surrender Zrinyi - promised him nothing less than Croatia's crown - but the police chief did not open its doors Szigetvár despite the overwhelming superiority and lack of interest in Vienna. The sultan September 7 dead - which concealed the besieging Turkish military front - but the inner castle ruins fired a devastating fire sealed the fate of the defenders: the besiegers morning were 8 September deployed outside the castle gate, Zrinski, however, did not wait for the another attack, but suddenly he rushed out of the rest of the soldiers of the castle. Zrinski sacrifice was also important for long without killing the Sultan because Szigetvár persistence saved another ostromtól Vienna. The size of the captain has been made of his contemporaries and later centuries politicians also recognized Cardinal Richelieu and the French Minister of State for example, he believed that Nicholas Zrinski and Szigetvár's defense in the summer of 1566 for the whole European civilization was saved from destruction. The memory of the hero's main commander of the Croatian and Hungarian history, one of the greatest soldiers of both nations to cherish and self-sacrifice of a number of literary, musical and artistic works served as the basis for respect for both countries. Sources: Chronicle of the Hungarians, Budapest 1995; Nicholas Zrinski - The hero of Szigetvár (Annex pm Past history magazine in 2016; (Tarjan M. Thomas: August 6, 1566 - Suleiman takes besieged Expected Island)

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