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2005The Holy Easter - First Day Cover

First Day Cover
GBP £0.55
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Technical details
  • 01.04.2005
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  • Offset
  • 4 Colours
  • Stamp size: 36 x 36 mm, Block size: 132 x 132 mm
  • ROL 5,000
About The Holy Easter

Romfilatelia, a specialized society in editing and trading Romanian postage stamps, releases, on the occasion of the Easter Holidays, the philatelic issue called The Holy Easter.

The Holy Easter or the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important religious Holiday of the year, other holidays such as the Palm Sunday pr the Ascension being closely related to it. The week before the Resurrection represents, for everyone, an opportunity for meditation. We all carry our cross, but how many of us really reach Golgotha? Have we really asked ourselves how many times during our life we felt the need to shout like Jesus on the Cross: “Eli, Eli, lama Sabahtani?” (“My Lord, My Lord, why have you abandoned me?”)?

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ must fill us with joy, must give us hope so that we may be better with ourselves and with others. Let’s not forget that death does not mean the final point which puts an end to life, but merely the comma which separates the two parts of a sentence: the life before the grave and the life beyond the grave.

With light in our hearts and joy in our souls, we will all gather, at midnight, to properly worship the One that has let Himself crucified for our sake. Jesus has resurrected and may peace be with you!

The postage stamps from the “Holy Easter” philatelic issue represent icons from the 19th century and belong to the Romanian Peasant’s Museum collection. The first postage stamp represents the “The Last Supper” – an icon made by Matei Purcariu (Tamforea) from Fagaras County. The second postage stamp represents “Jesus’ Crucifixion” – icon on glass realized in Gherla. The third postage stamp represents ”Jesus’ Resurrection” – icon on glass from Tara Barsei. Each postage stamp has a face value of ROL 5,000. Also, on the first day cover (FDC) are reproduced scenes from Jesus’ life, inspired from a glass icon made in Gherla, in the 19th century.