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2016Estonian Folk costumes - Audru and Tõstamaa - First Day Cover

First Day Cover
GBP £2.35
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Technical details
  • 14.04.2016
  • Mari Kaarma
  • -
  • AS Vaba Maa
  • Offset
  • 4 Colours
  • 27,5 x 33,0 mm
  • 0.65, 1.50 €
About Estonian Folk costumes - Audru and Tõstamaa

The postage stamps feature Pärnu County folk costumes -- Audru woman and man and Tõstamaa girl and woman in the middle of the 18th century. In Audru both the women’s and men’s dark outdoor clothes were decorated with red strings. The Audru flower decorated caps had a high sharp peak and branchy lace. Also the embroidered collar had a wide lace. The Audru dark blue or black skirts had a peculiar pattern in it. Like in Tõstamaa, various decorative ribbons were sewn to the lower edge of the skirt. A few great fur coats have been found for the museum. They are the most stylish ones in Estonia. Red slantwise strips on the chest are characteristic for Tõstamaa, they can also be found on cardigans. The Tõstamaa long recess coifs have been called tube coifs. Some of them are white, some flowery. The winter cap was edged with fur. Such red caps have been found also from other parts of Estonia. The so-called rosy mittens and stockings are particularly beautiful. The motive of one such pattern has been reproduced on the First Day Cover. Of decorations brooches and necklaces were warn, as well as beads. In Audru, for example, for example it was recommended to wear in line three eye brooches or two brooches and two necklaces. The first day cancellation has a motif from an Audru coif.