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2015Portuguese Fruits (FDC S - First Day Cover

First Day Cover
GBP £4.19
Official Price Guaranteed
(item in basket)
Other products in issue
GBP £3.01
Miniature Sheet
GBP £3.01
First Day Cover
GBP £4.19
First Day Cover MS
GBP £4.34
Stamp Booklet
GBP £8.00
Technical details
  • 16.09.2015
  • Natali Nascimento, TerraProjectos
  • -
  • INCM
  • Offset
  • 4 Colours
  • 30.6 x 40mm
  • €0.45, €0.55, €0.72, €0.80
About Portuguese Fruits (FDC S

CTT’s decision to launch a stamp issue dedicated to Portuguese Fruits is a tribute to Portugal, a small country that boasts a wide range of fruits, of which we can and should be justly proud. Curiously, any person seeking information on Correios de Portugal (Portuguese Postal Operator) will invariably find out that CTT is “a company whose history tells the history of its country.” It appears that the Port Wine Region was the first geographic region to be regulated in Portugal, in 1756, by order of the Marquis of Pombal. The regulations established at the time aimed to “protect” a product boasting unique features, only achievable in the specific region in question.

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