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201020 years since the Ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of the child - Set

GBP £1.23
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GBP £1.23
First Day Cover
GBP £3.35
Technical details
  • 27.09.2010
  • Ioana Vezeanu
  • -
  • -
  • offset
  • 4 colours
  • 48 x 33 mm
  • 6L
About 20 years since the Ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of the child

On November 20th 1989, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This one was ratified by the Romanian Parliament on 27th of September 1990 and published in the Official Gazette no. 109 of 28th of September 1990. To mark the “20th anniversary since the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child”, Romfilatelia introduces into circulation this postage stamp issue.

By ratifying, the Romanian state promised to take all legislative, administrative and any other kind of measures necessary to implement children’s rights as they are stipulated in the Convention.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child is the most widely adopted human rights agreement in the world. In its 54 articles and two more extra sections (also entitled “protocols”) it offers details about the rights and their way of applicability. This ample document synthesizes the complete development of the child’s potential in freedom, dignity and justice. The child’s superior interest underlies the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Nowadays, in Romania, there are international non-governmental organizations, NGO´s and foundations for the protection and promotion of the rights of the child, among which we ca distinguish: United Nations Information Center of Romania, UNICEF, Save the Children Romania, World Vision etc, carrying out programs for children’s support.

The drawings illustrated on the postage stamp and the label of the postage stamp issue were made by Ioana Vezeanu and Ana Badea, 3rd grade pupils at Secondary School No. 143 in Bucharest, within the programs carried out by the organization Save the Children Romania.

Illustrated on the first day cover of the issue is the drawing of Elena Daniela Oprea, 8th grade pupil at “Nicolae Tonitza” Plastic Arts High School, made within the UNICEF Romania Campaign, for the promotion of the anniversary event.

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