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2011Christmas (Cromolithography) - Collectibles

GBP £45.01
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Technical details
  • 18.11.2011
  • Mihai Vamasescu
  • -
  • -
  • offset
  • 4 Colours
  • 36 x 36 mm
  • 1L
About Christmas (Cromolithography)

Christmas is the Holiday that brings bless, light and warmth for each family. Gathered around the fir tree, we offer kindness, humility and joy.

And we wait for the carols... and the star, a symbol reminding us of the Magi who travelled with gifts to the place where child Jesus and His Mother were, and also of the star present in the Icon of Our Lord’s Birth.

“The star is shining in the East,

Emperor’s star is appearing.

The star is shining brightly,

Announcing the Holy Birth.


When the Magi saw the star,

All three started walking towards it.

As the star taught them

They all worshiped Christ.“

(carol - The star is shining in the East)

As every year, around the Christmas date, Romfilatelia introduces into circulation a postage stamps issue dedicated to this Celebration of Our Lord’s Birth.

The postage stamp of Christmas 2011 issue illustrates the image of the icon of “Naşterea Domnului Iisus Hristos“ (“Our Lord’s Jesus Christ’s Birth”) from the patrimony of the Archdiocese of Tomis (“Înălţarea Domnului” / “Our Lord’s Ascension”) wooden church from Satu Nou, Oltina –Constanta County), an icon painted in tempera and gold leaf dating back to late 19th century.

The wooden church from Satu Nou was built in 1863 and since 2004 it has been introduced on the list of historical monuments in Romania for its historical and architectural value.

Philatelic document – created into a limited edition of 230 copies, equipped with the postage stamp of the issue, numbered and cancelled with the “first day” postmark.

Philatelic album – created into a limited run printing of 1000 copies, equipped with the block of 4 stamps with illustrated border and gold foiling, 4 sheets with thematic images including the perforated stamp of the issue, printed on chromo gummed paper and one maxicard.

Chromolithography – achieved into a limited run printing of 350 pieces having applied the postage stamp of the issue and imprinted in gold foiling, the “first day” postmark. These exclusive products are numbered in red from 001 to 350 and have the Romfilatelia embossed logo.