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2004Definitive `Wild Flowers` - Set

GBP £6.47
Official Price Guaranteed
(item in basket)
Technical details
  • 10.09.2004
  • Anselmo Torres
  • -
  • BDT Security Printers (Ireland)
  • OFfset Lithography
  • 4 Colours
  • 30 x 40mm
  • 1p, 2p, 5p, G, 10p, S, E, G1, UK, U, 50p, £1, £3
About Definitive `Wild Flowers`

With over 600 species of plants now recorded in Gibraltar, our diversity, in relation to our size, is astounding. With more and more measures being taken to ensure the protection and enhancement of wild areas, and the creation of new areas of green - the recent restoration of the vegetation on the east side sand slopes being the salient example, the future of wild flowers in Gibraltar seems more secure than it has been for centuries - no mean feat in an age of increasing pressures on land resources.

All flowers featured on the stamps are found in Gibraltar and some species are unique to this area and not found in any other place in the world