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2001200 Years of the Gibraltar Chronicle - Set

GBP £1.92
Official Price Guaranteed
(item in basket)
Technical details
  • 21.05.2001
  • Stephen Perera
  • -
  • House of Questa
  • offset Lithography
  • 4 Colours
  • 30 x 40mm
  • 30p, 42p, 54p, 66p
About 200 Years of the Gibraltar Chronicle

The set commemorates 200 years of the Gibraltar Chronicle.

The Gibraltar Chronicle is a national newspaper published in Gibraltar since 1801. It became a daily in 1821. It is Gibraltar's oldest established daily newspaper and the world's second oldest English language newspaper to have been in print continuously.

The Gibraltar Chronicle archive is currently housed in the Garrison Library.

The stamps depict four of the main headlines feautred during the 200 years of the Chronicle such as the battle of Trafalgar, Invention of the telephone, WWII Victory and the Moon landings