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2015Centenary Orpheu Magazine - Souvenir Sheet

Souvenir Sheet
GBP £2.14
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GBP £0.97
Souvenir Sheet
GBP £2.14
First Day Cover
GBP £1.68
First Day Cover single stamp
GBP £3.27
Stamp Booklet
GBP £4.43
Technical details
  • 20.02.2015
  • Atelier B2
  • -
  • INCM
  • Offset
  • 4 Colours
  • 30.6x40mm
  • 0.42, 0.72
About Centenary Orpheu Magazine

«We have to assert this magazine, for it is the bridge where our Soul passes into the future». Thus was how Fernando Pessoa referred to the literary project Orpheu, launched in Lisbon in 1915 with a clear purpose: to revolutionise thought. Born under the star sign of European avant-garde, namely Futurism, Orpheu magazine resulted from the aspiration of a group of intellectuals determined to transform the mentality of their time, breaking with tradition. Provocation and subversion were watchwords. One hundred years later, one can say that the project has achieved its foundational purpose. The much dreamed of revolution in the arts and literature happened, and there are those who argue that today one is still reaping the fruits of this «pebble in the pond».

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