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2013100th Anniversary of Salesians In Croatia - Set

GBP £0.14
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Technical details
  • 01.10.2013
  • Igor Konjušak, painter and graphic artist; Motif: Statue of Don Bosco, by Marija Ujević Galetović
  • -
  • Zrinski - Čakovec
  • Multicolor Offset Printing
  • 4 Colours
  • 29,82 x 35,50 mm
  • 0.16
About 100th Anniversary of Salesians In Croatia

Croatian Salesian province of St. John Bosco with the seat in Zagreb, Omiška 8, owing to the goodness and hospitality of Croatian Post, marks the 100th anniversary of the presence of Salesians in Croatia by issuing a commemorative postage stamp.
The Salesians were founded in 1854 by the priest, St. John Bosco, „father and master” of the youth in Turin (Torino, quarter Valdocco) in charge with educational work with children and adolescents, especially the poorest among them, under the motto: a good Christian and a good citizen; the Salesians were confirmed by the Holy See in 1874. The founder called his sons Salesians after the bishop St. Francis de Sales. To what extend the new educational spirit of the preventive system (the trinomial: faith- reason - love) was a requirement and a need in his time, is best witnessed by the fast spreading of Salesians, priests and brothers, assistants Salesians and later Salesians Sisters (the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians) and associated laymen in the world of assistants Salesians not only in Italy but in the whole world. Thus, the first Salesians came from Verona, on 6 September 1913, at the many times repeated invitation by the vicar, Don F. Rocco and the Salesian Society, to the Istrian town Rovinj, where they officially began their apostolic and educational work by opening an oratory on 12 September 1913.
The Salesian apostolic and educational charisma began to take root in Croatian area in various historic and church events: Rijeka (1918), Zagreb (1922), Raskrižje (1928), Split (1936), Donji Miholjac (1940), Dioš (1941), Badljevina (1944), Donja Obrijež (1945), Ivanovo Selo (1945), Sirač (1945), Sela i Žažine (1947), Zadar (1949), Kastav i Matulji (1952), Lovran (1955), Križevci (1959), Prvić Luka (1968), Murvice i Briševo (1973), Grižane (1976), Beli Manastir (1980), Bosanski Aleksandrovac (1983), Žepče (1995), Končanica (1996), Nova Mokošica (1997).These are just numbered names of places where during the last hundred years Salesians were - or are thanks to God’s help - still active, without the numbering of the detailed names of institutions, their beginnings and for some also their ending.
The vitality of the spirit of Don Bosco made it possible for Salesians to accommodate to reality and social and political events of their time and thus always find out - with more or less success - ways of life and work to the benefit of the youth and the folks. This is especially true for the period between 1945 and 1990 when the communist rule made it impossible for Salesians to continue their versatile religious and humanitarian activities and when they had to learn not only how to live but also how to survive. With new winds of democracy and Croatian sovereignty Salesians have returned not only to their free apostolic work but also to their so characteristic educational work (schools, police academy, student halls of residence…)
The celebration of the 100th anniversary is no asking for laurel wreath or awards, but a true wish to return to the roots and initial zest in work with children, youth and common folks. The celebration coincides with the approaching celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the founder, St. John Bosco (2015). A great present of mercy was also a tour of Don Bosco’s relics from 8 to 24 March 2013 through all places where the Salesians today work and act within their Croatian Salesian Province (Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina).
The present Provincial Don Pejo Orkić has invited for the final jubilee celebration on 12 October 2013, the ninth Don Bosco’s successor, the Rector Major, the superior of the Salesian Society, Don Pasqual Chavez V. He represents today within Church and in the world 15014 Salesians, 122 Salesian cardinals and bishops in 132 states in the world. The Salesians are organised in eight world regions and in 89 provinces. The superior represents at the same time the centre of unity and community of the Salesian family which has developed within Church and in the world based on Don Bosco’s charisma and which today numbers 30 groups.