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Eurasian Teal

GBP £1.03
GBP £10.26
About Eurasian Teal

The Eurasian Teal is this year’s motif in the "Native birds" series, in which Austrian Post, in cooperation with BirdLife Austria, showcases endangered bird species.

The smallest native duck, the Eurasian Teal, has been named Austria’s Bird of the Year 2025. Its breeding population has declined drastically in recent decades and now stands at just 80 to 130 breeding pairs. Contributing factors include the loss of wetlands due to drainage and increasing disturbances. The Eurasian Teal nests in calm, shallow waters with dense shoreline vegetation, ranging from reed-covered oxbow lakes and moorland ponds to small pools. Males in breeding plumage are easily recognisable by their chestnut-brown head with a striking, iridescent green eye- stripe. In contrast, females, juveniles, and males in eclipse plumage are difficult to distinguish from other ducks. A characteristic feature is the green wing patch set against brown-speckled plumage. The conservation and restoration of wetlands are crucial for protecting the Eurasian Teal.