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Manx Links with China

GBP £3.40
GBP £3.40
GBP £10.20
First Day Cover
GBP £4.55
Presentation Pack
GBP £4.50
About Manx Links with China

The Nan Sha District, Guangzhou, China is part of the Greater Bay Area, a key economic zone in southern China, and serves as a hub for shipping, trade, and high-tech industries.

The district hosts the Nan Sha Free Trade Zone, which promotes international trade and investment.

The set of four Nan Sha stamps, showcases many of the features and traditions of the NanSha landmark. The stamp set consists of Technology and Innovation, Opening up (global outreach and trade), the global stamp exhibition and the city of NanSha and Harmony.

Stamp 1: The four of images on the stamp consist of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (GuangZhou), Innovation Bay, NanSha Memorial Gateway and the Free Trade Zone`s Arch, showcasing the coordinated development of world scientific and technological innovation of the Free Trade Zone.

Stamp 2: The four images on the stamp consist of Port of NanSha, NanSha Bridge, ShenZhen - ZhongShan link NanSha Line and a Yacht, showcasing NanSha`s connectivity to the rest of the world and links to our Ship Registry

Stamp 3: The three images on the stamp consist of International Finance Forum convention centre where delegates from the UK and Isle of Man have contributed to topics with international reach Inc. Sir Tony Blair, the Mingzhu Bay Bridge and the common Bomhax flower.

Stamp 4: The four elements on the stamp consist of NanSha TianHu Palace, NanSha Wetland Park, Gambiered Guangdong Gauze and Lotus root, which celebrate the common prosperity between historical and cultural heritage and the link between ecological and environmental protection.