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The Nativity

GBP £2.03
GBP £20.34
First Day Cover
GBP £3.13
Presentation Pack
GBP £3.86
GBP £3.49
Block of 4
GBP £8.14
About The Nativity

The Nativity of Jesus Christ is the reason for the holiday of Christmas, with the crib playing a major part in the world's festive celebrations. In the 13th century, St. Francis of Assisi re-enacted the scene of The Nativity, by creating a live crib including people and livestock. The location of this first crib was in the medieval town of Greccio, Italy.

The first-ever recorded presepju (crib) in Malta dates to 1607 when Dominican friars in Rabat set up their own local crib display - a tradition imported from neighbouring Naples and Sicily. Since then, the popularity of presepji has grown to become an integral feature of the Maltese Christmas landscape - from simple papier-mâché cribs to elaborate mechanical structures - to live enactments in village squares.

The Maltese traditional crib seeks to reproduce The Nativity within a local setting using rocky stones, porous caves and windmills. Pasturi, (painted clay figurines) represent the Holy Family, shepherds, angels, various livestock and other features.

In Malta, keen crib-makers have taken up this centuries-old tradition and create innovative displays throughout Christmas - a form of folk art that enriches our culture that communicates a message of goodwill.

This Christmas, MaltaPost shall issue a set of 2 stamps depicting the Holy Family within a typical Maltese traditional crib. Laurie Gatt, the crib maker, has worked on various types and styles of cribs, which are now gathered together within the only Crib Museum in Malta.

The 0.45 stamp shows a close-up of 3 terracotta figurines depicting Mary, Joseph and Jesus. The figurine artist is Jesmond Micallef.
The 1.91 stamp highlights communication between all 3 members of the Holy Family. The figurines are by artist Vince Dimech.