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Miniature Sheet
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First Day Cover
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First Day Cover MS
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Full sheets
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About Matariki

Central to the art is Te Tūī Kaitiaki. Shane explains: "I am drawn to him. As I age, my affection and connection grow. His wairua, brightness and vibrancy for life remind me of what it means to be alive. Live true, live full, live real! Wear your feathers with pride, be bold, be brave, believe. E tōku Tūī Kaitiaki." Each stamp carries reflections of others, observed together, they show the many ancient interconnections of Matariki.

$2.30 Ngā wā onāianei (present) - Share time and space, make memories with loved ones. This is a chance to connect and reconnect as we gather for kai and kōrero, planting seeds of unity and acceptance.

$3.60 Ngā wā o mua (past) - It is time to remember passed loved ones. Acknowledge recent passings and reminisce about those who left us long ago. They are part of us, we are part of them.

$4.30 Ngā wā ā mua (future) - Make positive plans and set goals to embrace. Reach for the stars, gather the light to nourish and sustain oneself for the coming year.

$4.90 Hauora (wellbeing) - This is the time to focus on one’s overall wellbeing - the body, mind and soul. Eat well, exercise regularly, keep warm and secure, ki waho, ki roto (breathe in, breathe out), reflect and refocus.