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Alderney Post Boxes

GBP £7.51
Miniature Sheet
GBP £4.29
GBP £75.10
First Day Cover
GBP £8.91
First Day Cover MS
GBP £5.69
Presentation Pack
GBP £8.71
Pack Miniature Sheet
GBP £5.49
About Alderney Post Boxes

The story of the post box, or pillar-box, begins in the Bailiwick of Guernsey, but how did it become the iconic symbol it is today?

Prior to the ground breaking reforms introduced by Rowland Hill in the Victorian period, the British postal service was cumbersome and expensive. Hill believed that if it were cheaper to send letters, more people would do so, whilst also boosting communication and trade.

Hill's vision was realised in 1840, when the Penny Postage Act passed into law, paving the way for affordable postage and easy-to-use adhesive stamps. However, for many communities, the nearest letter-receiving office was miles away. It was Anthony Trollope - then a General Post Office official who went on to become a Victorian author - who is credited with their introduction of the post box, having observed road-side letter boxes in use is France and Belgium.

65p stamp: Alderney Airport

88p stamp: Whitegates

£1.20 stamp: Route de Picaterre

£1.36 stamp: Victoria Street

£1.68 stamp: Route de Braye

£1.74 stamp: High Street