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The Coronation of HM King Charles III and HM Queen Camilla - Long Live the King!

GBP £10.58
GBP £10.58
GBP £52.90
Sheetlets CTO
GBP £105.80
First Day Cover
GBP £11.28
Presentation Pack
GBP £11.33
About The Coronation of HM King Charles III and HM Queen Camilla - Long Live the King!

We are proud to present a magnificent seven-stamp collection honouring the Coronation of HM King Charles III, Lord of Mann, and Queen Camilla. This collection encapsulates the grandeur and historic significance of this momentous event.

Each stamp is a miniature masterpiece, featuring captivating images that capture the essence of the coronation ceremony. This collection is a testament to the Isle of Man's enduring connection to the British monarchy, offering collectors and enthusiasts a tangible piece of history.

The collection consists of four stamps valued at £1.28 and three stamps valued at £1.82. Each stamp is a miniature masterpiece, featuring captivating images that capture the essence of the coronation ceremony:

- Stamp 1: HM King Charles III, flanked by dignitaries, receives The St Edward's Crown.
- Stamp 2: The royal couple, HM King Charles III and HM Queen Camilla, process out of Westminster Abbey following their Coronation.
- Stamp 3: The Yeoman Warders of Beefeaters, resplendent in new uniforms, march in the Coronation procession.
- Stamp 4: The regal couple journey back to Buckingham Palace in the Gold State Coach.
- Stamp 5: King Charles III with the Sovereign's Orb, symbolizing the Christian world.
- Stamp 6: HM Queen Camilla is crowned with Queen Mary’s Crown, a historic touch.
- Stamp 7: King Charles and Queen Camilla on Buckingham Palace's balcony, waving to jubilant crowds.

Designed by Glazier Design and printed by Cartor, these stamps showcase the intricate details of the coronation. With PMS Metallic Gold accents, the stamps gleam with regal splendor. They come in sheets of 20 and have perforations of 13.25 per 2cms.