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Europa - Endangered National Wildlife

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About Europa - Endangered National Wildlife

Chanchares (Testudo hermanni) are small to medium-sized turtles. Young, but also some adults have black and yellow spots on the armor. Their scaly extremities are grayish-brown, with occasional yellow markings. Compared to females, adult males have long and thick tails.

This species inhabits the area of ​​southern Europe. In our country, it inhabits the Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean parts of the country and the narrower belt in the continental regions.

Chanchars live in dry habitats, meadows, fields, shrubs, light forests and anthropogenic habitats such as orchards, gardens, fields and in rural areas. Males are territorial, but in dense populations they can be found in the immediate vicinity when sunbathing. They mate in early spring, from March, and eggs are usually laid in May and June. The female lays a total of 3 to 15 eggs, two to five times a year at least 20 days apart in nests she digs in the ground. The young hatch in late summer and are ready for independent living from day one. They spend the winter dormant buried in the ground. The sex of young turtles depends on the incubation temperature of the eggs, so females will develop at higher temperatures, and males at lower temperatures. They are herbivores, but can consume a variety of fruits, mushrooms, insect larvae and mollusks.

Chanchares are an endangered species, both in our country and throughout their range. The main endangering factors are habitat destruction by intensive agriculture and plant burning, and illegal trade in this species. In the Republic of Srpska, Čančara is a strictly protected wild species, and it also enjoys protection at the international level through several conventions on species protection.

The dwarf mouse (Micromys minutus) is among the smallest rodents in the world. The length of the body is 55-75 mm, and the tail 50-75 mm. Adults weigh between 5 and 7 grams. The fur on the back is brownish with hints of yellow. The abdomen is usually white. The tail is two-colored with no hair on the top. The dwarf mouse has a round head, small, round ears and fairly wide feet that allow it to climb.

The dwarf mouse is a Eurasian species. It inhabits grain crops, tall grasses, forest edges, and various moist habitats.

During reproduction, they build extremely interesting nests, spherical in shape. It feeds mainly on seeds, sometimes small insects or eggs of small birds. It is primarily active at night, but also shows activity at dawn. The mating season is in spring and summer. Litter size varies from one to 13 cubs.

Due to the extinction and fragmentation of the habitat it inhabits, it is categorized as a potentially endangered species. In our country, this is a protected species for the same reasons.