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About Christmas

Of all Christian holidays, Christmas, when we celebrate the birth of Christ, is the greatest. According to historic records, Christmas was first celebrated on January 6th, but, in 534, the Pope Liberius moved the holiday to December 25th, which corresponds to the winter solstice, in order to replace the pagan holiday of Saturnaliae dedicated to the God Mitras. The Christmas period in Croatia starts on December 6th, St Nicholas’ day and lasts until January 6th, Epiphany. December 13th, St Lucy’s day is when wheat is sown in bowls at home for Christmas decoration, and wood is gathered.

There are some Advent customs, “djtinjci”, when children give presents to their elders, “materice”, and “očići” when male members of the household are supposed to give presents. The day before Christmas is celebrated as Christmas Eve, when a log is brought into the house by the eldest member of the family who greets the others with the traditional greeting, “Praise the Lord. Welcome the Christmas Eve.” The other members of the family answer, “The same to you”. Then straw is scattered on the floor. The Christmas log cinders are believed to have magic powers. The origins of the Christmas Eve customs are still doubtful.

The straw and eating on it date back to Indo-European times. The greenery used as decoration at Christmas time symbolizes the vital force. The custom of decorating a Christmas tree was introduced into Croatian customs after 1800, probably under the influence of our northern neighbors. The second day of Christmas is celebrated as St Stephen’s day. The ancient rituals included horse riding through the fields on that day. St John’s day is known as the time when new wine is blessed. The day after that is the Holy Innocents’ Day when children used to be birched.

Christmas, the day of Christ’s birth, is the civilization turning point in the contemporary world. All the events are recorded as happening either before or after that event. Christmas is a holy and a blessed day. This is a holiday of togetherness when families gather around the fire and the Christmas dinner. The traditional family greeting on Christmas day is “Peace on earth, goodwill toward men”.