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Ivan Zavoloko, Proponent of the Old Belief

GBP £0.77
GBP £7.69
About Ivan Zavoloko, Proponent of the Old Belief

Latvijas Pasts releases a new stamp and a cover to commemorate Ivan Zavoloko, ethnographer, publicist, educator, Old Believer clergyman and researcher of the Latvian Old Believer antiquity. The first day cancellation of the stamp is scheduled to take place in the Baltic International Academy at 1/4 Lomonosova Street, Riga, from 9 AM to 6 PM on the 3rd of October 2019.

The print run of the new stamp is 100,000 copies and its face value is € 0.90, which corresponds to the cost of sending an ordinary Class A letter within the European Union. The release of the stamp is accompanied by the issue of a special cover with a print run of 1,000 copies. The philatelic releases have been designed by the artist Ludis Danilāns.

The stamp and the cover feature a portrait of I.Zavoloko against the background of the Rēzekne Old Believer Prayer House of St Nicholas.

I.Zavoloko (1897–1984) was born in Rēzekne. After studying in Riga, Moscow and Prague he worked in religion and education spheres in Riga, but was arrested in 1940 for the so-called anti-Soviet activities and spent the next 17 years imprisoned in USSR Stalinist camps. After returning to Latvia, he continued active work in the religion and education sector and is known as a public figure, ethnographer, educator, Old Believer clergyman and researcher of the Latvian Old Believer antiquity.