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Monasteries of Republic of Srpska - Tvrdos and Gracanica

GBP £0.44
GBP £0.44
GBP £3.51
GBP £3.51
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GBP £1.75
About Monasteries of Republic of Srpska - Tvrdos and Gracanica

Gracanica Monastery

Gracanica of Herzegovina was built in 2000, on the Crkvina hill aboveTrebinje, as a replica of Monastery Gracanica in Kosovo, with intention to execute the testament of famous poet from Trebinje Jovan Ducic His posthumous remains were transferred from the USA to the crypt of this Temple. Memorial complex consists of Church of Mother of God with the bell tower. Bishop's Palace, library, amphitheatre, gallery, banquet saloon, fountain and summer garden. Monastery can be seen from every viewpoint in Trebinje and it is the most beautiful sacral building in the whole East Herzegovina. Founder of the Monastery Mr. Branko Tupanjac is born in Trebinje, and just like Ducic, his life path led him to the USA.

Tvrdos Monastery

Tvrdos Monastery is dedicated to the Dormition of the Holy Mother of God. Monastery is situated by the Trebisnjica River, 4 km downstream from Trebinje in the villageTvrdosi. According to the national history Monastery was founded by the holy emperor Constantine and his mother Helena. It represents one of the oldest monasteries in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and one of the most important monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church. It is the seat of Eparchy of Zahumlje and Herzegovina. It originates from the beginning of XVI century. Monastery Tvrdos was built on fundaments of a small church from IV century after the Christ Its fundaments can be seen in the Monastery, because part of the floor ис built in glass, so through these »windows« on the floor, fundaments of the old church can be seen.

Graphic realization of the stamps: Miodrag Nikolic, Banja Luka

Publisher: POSTESRPSKEad.Banja Luka