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15 Years of Poste Srpske

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GBP £1.27
About 15 Years of Poste Srpske

The division of a unique system of PTT system of Republic of Srpska, in 1997, came from two independent companies, Poste Srpske and Telekom Srpske. At the end of 2002, Post becomes a stock company, whose majority shareholder is the Republic of Srpska. After division, the company's offices were in Sokolac, and today in Banja Luka.

All these years, despite the changes, the Company operated throughout the territory of RS under the same conditions for all citizens. Poste Srpske in 2012, are organized into 11 business units with the Directorate, with 2369 employees. Governing bodies are the Assembly of Shareholders, the Supervisory Board and the Management of Company.

Once obtained independence, the Company has performed basic postal services, transfer payments and letters. However, it is the main activity adapted to modern technologies, and the Poste Srpske today, except for basic users, offering a number of financial, marketing, information and communication services, and therefore offer quality! In addition to improving existing and introducing new services in the past fifteen years, the renovation of existing facilities and construction of new post office around the RS was also done.

Considering the widespread postal network, Poste Srpske are planning to maximize utilization of capacity and modernization of the work process in the following years. The long term objective of the Company is integration into European and world processes by the standards of the Universal Postal Union.

All these years, the essential part of business and the recognition of Poste Srpske were the issues of postage stamps. The quality and motives, have become world-renowned. This postage stamp issued in honor of all those who worked, and who will work on the construction and improvement of the postal system of the Republic of Srpska.

Author of the stamp: Nebojsa Djumić

Publisher: Poste Srpske a.d. Banja Luka