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Europa - Think Green

GBP £0.66
GBP £0.66
GBP £5.92
GBP £5.92
First Day Cover
GBP £2.19
Stamp Booklet
GBP £2.63
About Europa - Think Green

Thinking green and living green involves much more.

Basically, thinking green means to live life, as an individual as well as a community, in a way that is friendly to the natural environmental and is sustainable for the earth.

It means contributing towards maintaining the natural ecological balance in the environment, and preserving the planet and its natural systems and resources.

It also means taking steps, whether big or small, to minimize the harm you do to the environment, as a result of inhabiting this planet.

In practice, going green means adopting five basic principles in your daily life:

- reduce pollution,
- conserve resources,
- conserve energy,
- reduce consumption and waste,
- protect the earth’s ecological balance.

All these principles are important in protecting the environment from harm, as well as helping to ensure that living (for humans and other creatures) on earth is sustainable.

So in your daily life, do adopt green practices under all principles, to make a difference.....

Poste Srpske, following the project of Post Europ, issued this commemorative stamp, trying to create awareness about protecting our environment for the best future of our next generations.

Authors: Nebojsa Djumic and D.Sergidou
Publisher: Poste Srpske a.d. Banjaluka