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About Flora

Industrial plants are a group of field crops whose fruits (seeds), stems, leaves or other parts serve as raw materials in the processing industry. According to the use of an industrial plant, they are divided into: 1. oilseeds - for the production of oils obtained from fruits or seeds; 2. Yarn plants - from their stems, fruits (seeds) or leaves, fiber is obtained; 3. plants for the production of starch, sugar and alcohol - from their thickened underground organs; 4. aromatic and spicy and 5. medicinal plants - plant species whose leaves (leaves, fruits, flowers, roots, stems) contain a biologically active substance that can be used for therapeutic purposes or for chemical-pharmaceutical synthesis and for the preparation of odors, cosmetic products , beverages and aromas; 6. other industrial plants. We presented some of the industrial plants with this series of postage stamps:

Soya originates from Asia and is the leading oil and protein culture, whose grain is used as a source of edible oils and proteins for both human nutrition and nutrition for livestock and for various industrial purposes. The soya bean is processed and used for the production of cheese (tofu), milk, burgers, hot dogs, bread, various sweets, etc. Separated lecithin from soybean oil has application in bakery, confectionery, pharmaceutical, textile and chemical industries.

Sunflower originates from America. It was originally grown as an ornamental plant, and the seeds were used for bird feeding. In 1840, sunflower oil was first obtained. The seed contains about 45% of the oil and 20% of the protein. From sunflower oil produced margarine, mayonnaise, stearine (serves in the production of candles, plastics, soaps, cosmetics and rubber softening), pharmaceuticals, paints, varnishes, etc. Sunflower heads have a lot of nutrients, so they can be used to feed domestic animals.

Cannabis is known as the fiber production plant, and it belongs to the oldest agricultural plants. It originates from Central Asia. It was made from wild cannabis that was taken into a cultural plant. Cannabis fiber is distinguished by its high strength, elasticity, longevity and water resistance, and is used for the production of ropes, sails, canvas, clothing and footwear, tarpaulins, tents, fishing nets, firefighting tubes and equipment, sacks, etc. From the cannabis seeds one of the most expensive oils is used for human consumption and for medical purposes.

Flax is mainly grown in temperate climates. Linseed oil is a culture of sunny areas, while the flax is more suited to the moist, oceanic climate. The linseed oil is primarily used to produce cold-fried linseed oil, which is the most reliable source of omega-3 fatty acids in the plant world. Varieties of textile flax are used for the production of fibers (for laundry, linens, towels, clothes, furniture covers, tarpaulins, tents, sacks and other fabrics), short fibers (in construction and automotive industry), flax shives (heating and insulating material, paper). Most flax products (especially oil and textile products) have an extremely high price on the market.

Author: Nebojsa Djumic
Cooperation: dr. Milos Nozinic, Agricultural Institute of Republic of Srpska – Banjaluka
Publisher: Poste Srpske a.d. Banjaluka