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Harry Potter
The critically acclaimed Harry Potter films have attracted huge audiences worldwide, with the popularity still prevailing even though it is seven years since the last film was released.
Harry Potter remains one of the most popular and enduring themes worldwide and along with the Star Wars franchise has close to universal awareness in the UK. These unique stamps have been produced in association with Warner Bros and The Blair Partnership – an agency that represents J.K. Rowling - to celebrate the critically-acclaimed series of films.
The stamps not only feature some of the most popular characters including Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Neville Longbottom but there are also five Hogwarts professors contained on a Special Miniature Sheet. Also appearing on the stamps are selected portkeys as well as the most iconic modes of transport amongst them being the Hogwarts Express, the motor bike ridden by Hagrid, the Knight Bus and the Triwizard Cup. The stamps also use the official Harry Potter font denoting the “1st” class service.
Some Special Features on the stamps include the official Harry Potter font denoting the “1st” class service.
We’ve also added a little extra magic and intrigue to both the stamps and the Miniature Sheet which can be seen under UV light.
Hermoine Grainge
Hermione is considered by many at Hogwarts to be the brightest witch of her age. On hermany adventures with Harry and Ron, it is often thanks to Hermione’s educated mind, grasp of logic and quick thinking that the trio safely escapes
Hogwarts Express
The Hogwarts Express train is used by pupils of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.The steam train runs between King’s Cross station in London and the village of Hogsmeade, from where the children reach Hogwarts by boat. Access to the train by wizards and witches can only be gained by running at speed through a brick wall to Platform Nine and Three- Quarters.
Harry Potter:
On his 11th birthday, Harry Potter learns that he has been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry and his friends, Ron and Hermione, brave the challenges of school life while facing the increasing threat of the dark forces led by Lord Voldemort. As Voldemort returns to power, Harry realises that only he can stop the Dark Lord
Flying Ford Anglia
In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the Weasley twins and Ron ‘borrow’ the car to rescue Harry through his bedroom window in the Dursleys’ house. Later on, having missedthe Hogwarts Express, Harry and Ron take the car on a precarious journey to Hogwarts.
Ron Weasley
From the moment they meet on the Hogwarts Express train, Ron becomes Harry’s bestfriend. Ron supports Harry on all of his risky adventures – often at the wheel of the Flying Ford Anglia – even when it means facing his worst fear: spiders.
Hargrid’s Motorbike
Riding a flying motorbike formerly owned by Sirius Black, Hagrid and Harry endure a hazardous journey while being pursued by Lord Voldemort and several Death Eaters in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1.
Ginny Weasley
Younger sister of Ron Weasley, Ginny spends much of her first year at Hogwarts writing inTom Riddle’s diary and unknowingly doing the Dark Lord’s bidding. In her fourth year, Ginnyjoins Dumbledore’s Army and eventually makes her feelings for Harry known.
Triwizard Cup
The Triwizard Cup is a trophy awarded to the winner at the end of the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament. When Harry Potter competes in the Triwizard Tournament, a Death Eater turns the Cup into a Portkey to instantly transport the winner to the graveyard where Lord Voldemort is waiting.
Neville Longbottom
Neville Longbottom is known as a good-natured but accident-prone boy with an aptitude for Herbology. As the Dark Lord rises to power, Neville bravely joins Dumbledore’s Army andultimately plays an integral role in the destruction of Lord Voldemort.
Knight Bus
Knight Bus Described by its conductor as “Emergency transport for the stranded witch orwizard”, the Knight Bus appears in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. It collectsHarry and his trunk from the side of the road after he flees Privet Drive following an altercation with Mr Dursley’s sister.
The product range is consistent with our strategy to extend beyond philately and take stamp based collectibles to another fan base and non-stamp collecting audience. Our collectors are encouraged to collect just their core range for their collection. All limited edition stock is non-returnable. Note in this issue a number of key products are issued on 4th December 2018 to coincide with the release of the Harry Potter spin-off film Fantastic Beasts 2.
Presentation Pack
A fan’s favourite, this Presentation Pack contains all 10 stamps and the Miniature sheet in this meticulously designed pack with some stunning official Harry Potter imagery supplied by Warner Bros all of which is sure to leave Harry Potter fans spellbound!
First Day Cover Set
The Stamp First Day Cover contains all ten stamps cancelled with a choice of two postmarks – details on the next page. The Cover comes with an information card that features stills from a selection of Harry Potter films.
First Day Cover M/S
The Minisheet First Day Cover contains the Minisheet featuring the five Horwarts professors cancelled with a choice of two postmarks – listed below. The Cover comes with the same information card as the Stamp FDC.
Stamp Cards
High Quality Post Cards showing high resolution ‘blow ups’ of each of the 15 stamps from the set and the minisheet plus the minisheet image itself. (Set of 16 Cards in total).
Retail Stamp Book
Make your mail magical and keep your Harry Potter stamps close to hand in your purse or wallet with this stamp book.
As with all the Retail Stamp Books it is printed in gravure and the stamps are self-adhesive unlike the individual stamps from the set which are litho and gummed. The printer is International Security Printers
Harry Potter Collector Sheet
The A4 sized collectors sheet features all 10 brand new stamps along with labels showing film stills from the WB film archives. The sheet comes with a protective backing card and clear plastic cover making a great collectible souvenir
Great Britain - Recommended stamp issues
WOPA+ recommended stamp issues
Effigy of H.S.H Prince Albert II - Green Letter Rate |
Issued: 03.01.2023 |
›Monaco |
Year of the Rabbit |
Issued: 05.01.2023 |
›Guernsey |
45th Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival |
Issued: 09.01.2023 |
›Monaco |
10th New Generation |
Issued: 09.01.2023 |
›Monaco |
Ferdinand Porsche - Electric Automobile |
Issued: 27.01.2023 |
›Austria |
Music Giants VII - Iron Maiden |
Issued: 12.01.2023 |
›Great Britain |
Honour Guard of the President of the Slovak Republic |
Issued: 02.01.2023 |
›Slovakia |
Medicinal Plants |
Issued: 03.01.2023 |
›Romania |
St. Elizabeth’s Church in Parnu |
Issued: 06.01.2023 |
›Estonia |
Lunar New Year - Year of the Rabbit |
Issued: 05.01.2023 |
›Jersey |
Max Oppenheimer - Tilla Durieux, 1912 |
Issued: 19.01.2023 |
›Austria |