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Historical Heritage - Daitreta

GBP £0.81
First Day Cover
GBP £1.24
Maxi Cards
GBP £1.24
About Historical Heritage - Daitreta

In the immediate vicinity of Pljevlja, in the village of Komini, there is a still largely unexplored Roman town whose full name has not been identified with certainty. In the literature, it can be found as Municipium S., and it was populated between the 1st and the 4th century.Archaeological excavations of this site have uncovered a large number of mostly glass objects, the most famous of which is DIATRETA, a glass vessel from the 4th century, consisting of two parts, the inner vessel and the outer cage.

This object represents the culmination of the glassworking skills of the ancient Romans. The Montenegro Post is publishing a commemorative postage stamp, a maximum card and a First Day envelope within the edition Historical Heritage – Diatreta. The author of the conceptual design is Anica Damjenović, a graphic designer from Pljevlja.