Icelandic craftmanship III
Silverwork has a long tradition in Iceland. Numerous object have been preserved, many of which are of exceptional quality. Koffur is a diadem of gilded silver belonging to a headdress of the national costume designed by the painter Sigurðar Guðmundsson in the latter half of the 19th century. This diadem has a buttercup pattern. A few diadems of this type are preserved in the National Museum of Iceland. The chalice is made of silver with gothic shape. The words of Christ concerning the New Covenant are inscribed on the rim of the chalice. The chalice is most likely made in Iceland and dates back to the first part of the 15th century. The silver caftsman Pétur Tryggvi Hjálmarsson fashioned the bowl Brum (lit. bud). He was born in 1956 and studied at the Institute for Precious Metals in Copenhagen. Churchsilver by Pétur is to be found in many churces in Iceland and his work can be viewed in museums around the world.
Product ID - Set - 564A - 564B - 564C
Iceland - Recommended stamp issues
WOPA+ recommended stamp issues
Max Oppenheimer - Tilla Durieux, 1912 |
Issued: 19.01.2023 |
›Austria |
Veteran Tractors |
Issued: 04.01.2023 |
›Aland Islands |
10th New Generation |
Issued: 09.01.2023 |
›Monaco |
Ferdinand Porsche - Electric Automobile |
Issued: 27.01.2023 |
›Austria |
150th Anniversary of the Birth of Saint Therese De Lisieux |
Issued: 03.01.2023 |
›Monaco |
45th Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival |
Issued: 09.01.2023 |
›Monaco |
Honour Guard of the President of the Slovak Republic |
Issued: 02.01.2023 |
›Slovakia |
St. Elizabeth’s Church in Parnu |
Issued: 06.01.2023 |
›Estonia |
Music Giants VII - Iron Maiden |
Issued: 12.01.2023 |
›Great Britain |
Year of the Rabbit |
Issued: 05.01.2023 |
›Guernsey |
Lunar New Year - Year of the Rabbit |
Issued: 05.01.2023 |
›Jersey |