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Bell from Rosko Polje

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GBP £4.74
About Bell from Rosko Polje

In 1858, friar Petar Kordić, the parish vicar at that time, built the first, in Roško polje, straw covered church, that was 12 meters long and 6 meters wide. On this straw covered church in the same year was placed a small bell that is located even today in the parish office of this church. Unfortunately, this straw covered church was destroyed in 1921. This bell in the whole diocese was the only and largest bell and was the first to ring after 325 years of Turkish occupation. In that period, a famous Turkish saying was known: „Let it be known, Vlaji, that here no bell will ring.“ Because of this, friar Petar always had the bell, for the Turks not to steal it from him, on an animal throughout the parish.

This little bell carries great historic significance. After centuries of forced silence, finally the sounds of the catholic bell form the straw covered church has been heard on historic Croatian – catholic land. This small bell has great symbolic, because it represents a posthumous bell to Turkish violence. It rang, despite 325 years of Turkish demolishing of churches and brutally taking over land of centuries old Catholic tradition. That is why today it represents a better tomorrow in the fight for freedom.

(Friar Sretan Ćurčić)