Release years
Icelandic Outsider Art I
The story of Icelandic art is relatively short, but it is surprisingly diverse. Not long ago a new side to that story was brought to light, namely the art of self-taught individuals, so-called naive or outsider artists. In Iceland this art manifests itself as an extension of a strong vernacular narrative tradition. This kind of art can neither be taught nor learned, and it does not coalesce into a tradition in the ordinary sense. The oldest of these Icelandic naive artists is Sölvi Helgason (1820-1895), a vagabond, who paid farmers for board and lodging with colourful „portraits“ of his hosts. Ísleifur Konráðsson (1889-1972) began to paint pictures of great charm featuring the landscapes of his youth. Karl Dunganon (1897-1972) turned his life experiences into pictures with dream-like or terrifying imagery. Sigurlaug Jónasdóttir (1913-2004) began to paint narrative pictures of life in the west coast islands, where she hails from.
Product ID's (set): 544A - 544B - 544C - 544D
Iceland - Recommended stamp issues
WOPA+ recommended stamp issues
Max Oppenheimer - Tilla Durieux, 1912 |
Issued: 19.01.2023 |
›Austria |
150th Anniversary of the Birth of Saint Therese De Lisieux |
Issued: 03.01.2023 |
›Monaco |
Ferdinand Porsche - Electric Automobile |
Issued: 27.01.2023 |
›Austria |
Lunar New Year - Year of the Rabbit |
Issued: 05.01.2023 |
›Jersey |
Music Giants VII - Iron Maiden |
Issued: 12.01.2023 |
›Great Britain |
Medicinal Plants |
Issued: 03.01.2023 |
›Romania |
Honour Guard of the President of the Slovak Republic |
Issued: 02.01.2023 |
›Slovakia |
45th Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival |
Issued: 09.01.2023 |
›Monaco |
Year of the Rabbit |
Issued: 05.01.2023 |
›Guernsey |
St. Elizabeth’s Church in Parnu |
Issued: 06.01.2023 |
›Estonia |
Effigy of H.S.H Prince Albert II - Green Letter Rate |
Issued: 03.01.2023 |
›Monaco |