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Franking Labels

GBP £4.36
GBP £4.36
About Franking Labels

The Faroe Islands in Colours

The Faroe Islands is an archipelago in the North Atlantic, located at 62 degrees north latitude and 7 degrees west longitude.

Historians claim that the name of the islands reflects an Old Norse word "fær" (sheep) indicating the abundance of sheep that the islands are known for. There is at least twice as many sheep as humans in the Faroes, and it is believed that sheep have thrived on the islands as long as the inhabitants. “Beautiful green islands, this country of ours..." the poet intones - there is never any shortage of grazing land for the multitude of sheep.

In the grassy fields, you will see the Faroese national flower "sóljan" – the buttercup. The popular song about the girl who picks a bouquet of buttercups is a sign of welcome to spring - the buttercup being the first indication of brighter times to come. The buttercup grows in large swaths, leaving its pleasant and beautiful mark on the scenery.

Merkið, the Faroese National Flag, is a so-called cross flag and the design symbolizes Christianity as it does in other Nordic countries. The colours are white, red and blue. On the Faroese Flag Day, we sing "Sjá, tú blánar sum loftið og tú rodnar sum blóð, men hitt hvíta er fossur, brot og vetrarins ljóð" ("Lo, you turn blue as the sky and red as blood, but the white is a waterfall, surf and the sound of winter.")

The white base colour can also symbolize the clear sky and foamy waves breaking against the rocks. Red and blue are colours that are also found in the traditional Faroese headdress, and besides the colours also indicate the close relations with Iceland and Norway, both of which use the same colours in their flags.

The new franking labels were designed by graphic artist Miriam Hinz. Miriam has in recent years worked on the design of new Faroese posters. She designs the posters with the aid of a computer, drawing ideas from Faroese landscape, towns and villages, nature and cultural traditions. Further information about Miriam and her artistic designs can be found on where posters can be bought on the online store.