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The Sixth National Jamboree of Romanian Scouts

GBP £5.92
GBP £30.88
About The Sixth National Jamboree of Romanian Scouts

Scouting is more than recreation, it is education for life, a way to live and a movement with significant global impact. Romfilatelia recognizes the new opportunities that Scouting offers to young people, such as the chance to engage in diverse activities, to meet new friends. Thus, the postage stamp issue The sixth National Jamboree of Romanian Scouts, is launched, a continuation of the Romanian philatelic tradition of celebrating this institution of childhood.

Scouting fosters responsibility through the practice of democracy; it develops the potential of each individual and of the group, inspiring clear values. Approximately 1,800 young people change their perspective at RoJAM 2.0 17.

RoJAM 2.0 17 (Romanian Jamboree) is a unique educational program, implemented under the High Patronage of the President of Romania.

The scouts will build their own settlement in the middle of nature for ten days, where they will learn from each other how to live harmoniously together and build a better world. The camp will take place between 4 and 15 August 2017 at Cristian, in Brasov County.

Through the 200 organized activities, RoJAM 2.0 17 wants to create a program aimed at stimulating science and technology education, identifying solutions for the sustainable development of local communities, and encouraging and promoting diversity in Romanian society. The program of the event is built so that at the end each participant can evaluate his/her personal progress, gaining new skills for daily life and assume an active role in the local community he/she is a member of.

The stamp with the face value of Lei 2.20 represents a scene from Cristian, Brasov County, the town that will host the Sixth National Jamboree of Romanian Scouts. In the picture you can see the tower of the fortified church in Cristian. Taking into account the relevance of the impact of the scouting in the community, the venue of the event is of particular importance as it will preserve the memory of the 1800 scouts.

The stamp with the face value of Lei 3.50 symbolizes scouting as a global movement, currently numbering over 40 million active members in 224 countries and territories, being the largest educational youth movement in the world. In the picture one can see scouts tents from different countries, participating in an International Jamboree.

The four stamps reflect the framework of the educational camp.

The stamp with the face value of Lei 8 captures a symbolic image for scouting, in which the scouts stand around the fire. Between scouting and nature there is a true symbiosis that has developed over the years, the scout finding shelter, food, training and personal development, nature finding a true friend and protector in the scout, who knows how to respect it. “Creating a Better World” is the mission of scouts in the world.

The stamp with the face value of Lei 15 reflects the scout salute. The three raised fingers signify the three principles of the scout movement: duty towards oneself, to ones neighbor and to God, while the big thumb placed over the small one signifies the great helping the small. Ready Anytime! or Be Prepared!, the exhortation of Lord Baden Powell, the founder of the Scouts, is also their motto.

The mission of Scouts in Romanian society is to contribute to the education of young people through a system of clear values, to help build a better world in which people are fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society.

Romfilatelia thanks the National Romanian Scouts Organisation for the documentary support granted in the creation of this postage stamp issue.