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World Philosophy Day - Aristotle

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About World Philosophy Day - Aristotle

World Philosophy Day is celebrated every third Thursday in November. This initiative was introduced by UNESCO in 2002 with the goal to familiarize the public with philosophy in the modern world. In the past, various philosophical schools were known, with the common feature being that they had left future generations permanent examples of human values. Philosophers and philosophical institutions even today have the task of thinking critically, independently and creatively and contribute in making the world a better place. This year, the 2400th birth anniversary of the ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle is being celebrated. He was born in 384 BC in the Macedonian city of Stagira, Chalkidice and died in 322 BC in Chalcis. As a young man he entered Plato's Academy where he stayed up to Plato's death. Thereafter, he was invited by Philip II of Macedon to his court to become a tutor to his son Alexander Macedon. After returning to Athens, he establishes his own Peripatetic school, one of the most influential schools in ancient Greece. His main areas of work were books about Logic, biological-scientific work, metaphysics, ethic records, books about esthetics and esoteric records.