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Archeological Treasure - Ancient Complex in Rivine (Stolac)

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About Archeological Treasure - Ancient Complex in Rivine (Stolac)

Municipality of Stolac is rich with cultural remains of ancient past. This is evidence by the discovery in the village Rivine, in Crkvina site, where the archeological excavations carried out in the period 2011-2014. The students from Department of Archeology, University of Philosophy in Mostar, under the guidance of professor Brunoslav Marijanovic, in multiple campaigns unearthed Late Antique complex from 5th to 6th century, which consists of sacral and economic structures.
From the early Christian church, the well-preserved baptistery was investigated, parts of the stone church furniture (pilasters, pluteus, capitals and parts of the altar sections decorated with the palmettes and rosettes), a large late antique vaulted tomb and other tombs inside the church and around it. In one room, near the village road, a press for processing wine or olive similar to those in Mogorjelo and Visici has been found. Some parts of the structure have been excellently preserved (battlements walls, wall facades and flooring). In addition, a number of tiny movable heritage items have been discovered, among which the fragments of glass bottles. After the expert analysis of findings, it will be possible to talk in more details about the content and purpose of the excavated objects. In the end, conservation of researched complex has been done, which will certainly contribute to the conservation and sustainable use in tourism and educational purpose. (Radoslav Dodig)