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Romanian Pottery - Wedding Pots (III)

GBP £0.85
GBP £9.69
First Day Cover
GBP £1.33
About Romanian Pottery - Wedding Pots (III)

Romfilatelia, the company specialized in issuing and trading Romanian postage stamps, introduces into circulation the postage stamp issue ROMANIAN POTTERY (Wedding Pots – III).

Among the Romanian traditional ceramics, wedding pots have a special place. Wedding pots illustrate the technical inventiveness and the imagination of the potters, characterized by the originality of the forms, proportions, decorations and chromatics.

The simplicity of the form, the richness of the motifs, the even distribution of the drawings and the emphasis, obtained through ornament and colour, of certain portions which, as a whole, form a work of art, is a feature of the Romanian peasant art. The composition seems perfect due to its symmetric, alternating and rhythmic distribution of the ornamental motif, but also of the chromatic motif.

The characteristic ornaments of wedding pots are either geometrical (cross, circle, diamond, spiral), zoomorphic (stork, cock, peacock, eagle, horse, lion, dog, snake), astral (stars), or vegetal (fir tree, haulm with leaves and flowers, life tree, flowers). The colours frequently used are white, golden yellow, orange, red, blue, green, black.

The pots illustrate features of the peasant creation, such as originality, continuity, ethnic specificity, functionality and, last but not least, the artistic virtues.

The wedding pots illustrated on the postage stamps of the issue are representative for the ceramics of the counties of Olt, Satu Mare and Arges.

The postage stamp having the face value of Lei 0.30 illustrates ceramics from Golesti-Arges.

The postage stamp having the face value of Lei 0.70 illustrates ceramics from Romana-Olt.

The postage stamp having the face value of Lei 1.00 illustrates ceramics from Oboga-Olt.

The postage stamp having the face value of Lei 2.20 illustrates ceramics from Vama-Satu Mare.