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About Romania

Past … present … future

Welcome to Romania and discover a World in a Stamp.

In the ancient heart of Dacia, in the South-Eastern area of the Central Europe, with the arc of the Carpathians in the middle and delimited by the Danube and the Black Sea, can be found Romania and its durable people for more than two thousand years.

With a rich history, the present Romanian territory offers the tourist the possibility to discover one of the richest and ancient proofs of spirituality, traditions, continuity and authentic culture.

From the first Romanian postage stamp, issued in 1858 and known worldwide as the famous Bull Head, philately has become a deeply appreciated subject and hobby, with an important role and a great history.

We appreciate that a stamp ennobles by itself the communication between people, supporting its fulfillment. A stamp accompanies moods and shares emotions, builds bridges and reduces distances, overcoming time and giving symbolic value to those it pays tribute to.

Romfilatelia, the issuing company of the Romanian postage stamp, has permanently tried to transform and promote the Romanian postage stamp in its quality of genuine ambassador of our country, offering everyone the possibility to discover Romania’s cultural, artistic and historical patrimony through it.

We are proud to promote philately - the hobby of Kings, to offer the chance of a great and fascinating getaway in the wonderful world of the Romanian stamps, and also to issue innovative and valuable philatelic products.

We welcome you to discover Romania and its people through the national postage stamp.

Time goes by….stamps remain!